Citizens for Development

We at Citizens For Development is a group of citizens who are concerned about Development of India and are ready to work for development of India at best of his or her capacity.  The members of this group come from different walks of life and represent different casts, religions, faiths, occupations, literary backgrounds, income groups and what not. But all of them consider themselves as an Indian first and believe that all Indians shall give preference to  Development of India over all other issues and matters.

We believe that in all elections the discussions and overall electioneering should revolve around  development of our nation. The political discourse today revolves around personalities, religion, casts and all such devious issues. The print and electronic media today do not consider real and  development issues worth reporting because it does not increase their TRP. The opposition do not wish to discuss development schemes and development projects because it will expose their omissions and highlight the commissions of the ruling dispensation.

Hence we all have decided and we request all our fellow Indians to come forward and to know about the development schemes and projects initiated by the present government. To understand the thinking & planning behind each project and scheme and to verify and check what progress that has been done in each project and scheme launched by this Government.  We all have studied the development schemes launched by Shri Modi Government and we are eager to share, discuss and debate on that information with you all.

If you are a development oriented Indian like us please feel free to join us and start talking development. Other wise you can form a group of your friends, fellow workers, your professional colleagues, members of trade association, traders from your area and arrange a discussion at any place and invite any of us to discuss any or all  the schemes launched by Shri Modi Government.  Please come forward to transform India in to a world leader.

Contact details : Mail –  /Cell + 91 98220 44520